We are getting married!

The date is the 19th of July 2019 and we would like you to be a part of it.
Official invite will follow.

How we met

Our beautiful story began in May 2016 in Montreal. Our first encounter was at the YMCA school as we were classmates. With each passing day, we became inseparable and very good friends. As summer approached, we realized that what was happening between us was magic and it wasn’t just a simple friendship.
We had our challenges at the beginning and life wasn’t always perfect. We both have strong characters and we were communicating in many different languages! Time and patience allowed us to slowly understand each other until we created our own beautiful language! At home we speak French, English and Italian in a way that just us can understand, and this is what we like!
We are extremely excited about the wedding! The fact that all our family and friends will join us from many different parts of the world will make it memorable!
Big hug from Canada!


Cerimonia 4:30PM

Cérémonie à l'Eglise d'Oviglio
SS. Felice e Agata 15026 Oviglio Alexandrie, Italy

Ricevimento 5:30PM

Réception au Castello di Oviglio
Castello di Oviglio Via XXIV Maggio, 1, 15026 Oviglio AL, Italy

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Capture the moment, tag your photos with the hashtag #LaurentAndGiulia

Some hotels around

Castello di Monvicino

12 minutes by

La Villa Hotel

18 minutes by

Relais 23

10 minutes by

Bed & Tours

15 minutes by

How do I get there?

It's way easier than you think!
